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Concrete Repair in Kingman, KS

Juanita was concerned about the garage approach settlement that created a rough entry and exit of the garage. 

We sent System Design Specialist AJ Lavoie out to the home to provide a free inspection and explain how our solution would solve this issue. We used PolyLevel Foam to lift and level the concrete and Nexus Pro Joint Sealant to seal the joints and cracks to prevent water from creating future problems.

Concrete Repair in O'Neill, NE

Betty is a homeowner in O’Neill, NE, and was having problems with her concrete driveway. She noticed that the front stoop and some of the driveway were leaning towards the house. Worried about the impact this would have on her home, so she decided to give Thrasher a call.

Service Technician Christian Hodson went out to Betty’s home. He was able to identify that four slabs were leaning to her front stoop that needed repair. The crew used PolyLevel to achieve the necessary lift and sealed the joints with NexusPro Joint Sealant. Betty was very excited to have the concrete repaired!

Concrete Repair in Burwell, NE

Darrin M. in Burwell, NE, was frustrated with the settling of his front doorstep. After years of water infiltration in our Midwest climate, it’s common for steps like these to separate and begin to fail. Looking for a permanent solution, Darrin gave Thrasher a call to have one of our System Design Specialists come out and inspect the problematic area.

Brandon Headrick, our System Design Specialist, arrived at the home in Burwell, NE, and noticed that the front step had sunk and the sidewalk and walkway leading to the front door. The customer opted to have Thrasher install our 2-part concrete protection system to lift, level, and seal the sunken areas. Our PolyLevel foam was installed first to lift and level the sunken areas and then sealed with the NexusPro to prevent any water from infiltrating in the future.

Darrin was thrilled with his entire Thrasher experience and gave us a rewarding review! His concrete was in great shape, but the sunken areas created an eyesore and a potential tripping hazard. We were able to restore his peace of mind and install the permanent solution his concrete needed. 

Irrigation Well Cement Slab Lifted in Axtell, NE

This land owner was worried that washout would cause the cement to crack which was holding his irrigation well. If this were to happen, his irrigation well would collapse which could floor his field. Unsure of how to fix this before damage was done, he decided to give us a call. We sent System Design Specialist Brian Keller to inspect the cement pad and determine where the cracking had a chance to form. Brian found that the recently poured slab was not properly compacted, resulting in a large amount of washout and an exposed void under the slab. After seeing this issue, Brian went to discuss how to solve this with the landowner, and they scheduled an installation appointment. Our installation crew came out to this field and utilized PolyLevel foam to fill the void and stabilize the cement pad. After the property owner saw the final project, he was satisfied with the work that was done as well as confident that his cement would be permanently stabilized. Check out the stabilized cement!

Settling Garage Corner in Great Bend, KS

This homeowner has noticed some stair step cracking on the corner of her garage and became worried. After taking a look at the damage, our team assessed that the corner had settled. To repair this issue our team installed two helical piers and lifted the corner of the garage about 1/4". Now this garage is safe and stable.