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Basement Waterproofing in Point Pleasant Beach, NJ

A homeowner in Point Pleasant Beach, NJ noticed their sump pump was not operating properly, so they contacted us for a resolution. They knew if this went without repair, it could cause issues in their basement such as rotting wood, increased energy bills, and mold growth. As a solution, we installed our WaterGuard French Drain System and TripleSafe Sump Pump System. This will effectively pump water away from the basement, keeping it dry and healthy. This system provides three levels of protection against water intrusion, restoring their peace of mind!


System Design Specialist: Joe Hubbard

Foreman: David Bonilla 

Point Pleasant NJ Concrete Repair Solution

This homeowner located in Point Pleasant NJ recently contacted our team at Quality 1st struggling with the unfortunate reality that their backyard walkway surrounding their pool area was demonstrating signs of uneven concrete, ultimately raising concerns of potential tripping hazards. Our system design specialist provided a thorough evaluation and was able to provide the owner with the best available solution. Next, our foreman and his team arrived on the premise and began installing our PolyLevel Injection Foam, this product will restore the slabs to their original height, while ensuring stability and much-needed fortification of the soil beneath, eliminating the main cause for the issue in the first place, poorly deposited soil underneath the surface. Now the owner can proudly say with full confidence that their backyard's surface area is fully repaired and strengthened for years to come!

Uncovered Sump Pump Replaced with TripleSafe Sump Pump in Wood Ridge, NJ

An uncovered sump pump not only allows water vapors back into your basement but is also very dangerous around young children and pets. Quality 1st Basement Systems installed a TripleSafe Sump Pump that has a back up battery system in case of a power outage. This Sump Pump has a a sealed cover to protect against water vapors and young children or pets from finding their way inside. 

Waterproofing in Wood Ridge, NJ

A homeowner in Wood Ridge, NJ was looking to waterproof his basement so he could refinish his basement in the future. To do this, WaterGuard was installed below the basement floor slab to keep the drainage system out of the mud zone, to prevent clogging. This system ensures that the water that is seeping in through the basement walls gets drained to the sump pump. For added protection, the TripleSafe sump pump was installed with three levels of pumps to make sure the basement is fully protected. With the UltraSump battery backup sump pump, will pump 11,500 gallons of water with a fully charged battery!   

Quality 1st Basements was able to provide a permanent waterproofing solution!  

Basement Waterproofing System Installation in Wood Ridge, NJ

A Wood Ridge, NJ homeowner discovered water was seeping into their basement, so they contacted Quality 1st Basement Systems to provide a solution. Our System Design Specialist, Greg Louis, fully inspected the area and knew that the homeowner needed a full perimeter waterproofing system to protect the basement. He recommendour WaterGuard French Drain System and Triple Safe Sump Pump.