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Poor Wall Anchors Replaced in Kansas City, KS

This homeowner was planning on moving in the coming years, so she knew that she needed to fix any issues so that she could get full value for her home. She called another foundation repair company come to fix her foundation walls, however their anchors were not fixing the wall bowing issues. Frustrated by this solution failing, she decided to give us a call.

We sent System Design Specialist Daryn Britton to inspect the previous wall anchors, determine why the walls were still bowing, and design a solution to fix the walls permanently. Daryn found that the previous anchors had a few problems such as not being installed correctly and that the hydrostatic pressure against the walls was stronger than the anchors were. He knew that these walls could be fixed with anchors that were stronger than the pressure as well as installed correctly, so he called for an installation team to properly fix these walls. One of our installation teams answered the call and came to the home installing GeoLock Wall Anchors on the failing walls.

The homeowner was extremely happy with the outcome. She was so excited, that she even scheduled a waterproofing appointment with us to take care of any and all water problems she was having in her basement. Check out the newly installed GeoLock Wall Anchors!

Concrete Leveling in Savannah, MO

Debbie and Mark G. love to spend time outdoors on their back patio with their family. They are planning on putting patio furniture under their pergola but are unable to due to settled concrete causing water to pool in that area. Looking for a long-term solution, they decided to give us a call.

System Design Specialist Shane McClintic went out to the home and in addition to the back patio having concrete settlement, he was also able to identify spots on the driveway that also had settlement. The team leveled and lifted the concrete back to the original position using PolyLevel. They then removed the existing caulking and sealed the joints with NexusPro Joint Sealant to prevent water from entering again. Debbie and Mark were not only pleased with how their driveway and back patio looked, but also with the professionalism they received from the team as well.

Sagging Porch Supported in Stilwell, KS

This rental property owner noticed that the front porch of his property was settling away from the house and he was afraid that it would collapse, pulling down the roof with it. After many sleepless nights, he decided to have someone come look at it, so he called us. 

We sent System Design Specialist Brandon Powers to inspect the porch and determine what was causing the settling problem as well as determine what products would best fix the problem. Brandon found that there was not enough supports built under the porch to hold the weight of the building materials above it, so the supports were slowly sinking under the weight. He knew just not to solve this problem by adding additional, stronger supports, so he called for an installation team to implement this plan. One of our installation teams came out to this home and installed a new mental supplemental support beam along the full length of the porch structure, then they placed SmartJacks with proper spacing underneath this new support beam.

The property owner was so excited to have the structure of the porch back and stabilized and he is relieved to have little worry about the porch's structure. Check out the new supports of the rental property's porch!

Wall Support and Sump Pump Replacement in Overland Park, KS

This homeowner originally called us out for a free estimate regarding waterproofing solutions for his wet basement floor. When System Design Specialist Bobby Bartow discovered the foundation wall problem, he knew that he needed to refocus the homeowner on the more immediate issue. Bobby discovered that the previous company who had used carbon fiber tape to fix the concrete wall did not know that this product cannot properly support a concrete wall. After explaining this problem to the homeowner, the homeowner was determined to have this problem solved the right way so that he would no longer need to worry about his wall he thought was stable.

Bobby called our installation team to work on installing PowerBraces that will stabilize the wall and even move it back to its original position over time. While this installation was happening, Bobby knew that the homeowner was still wanting some waterproofing solutions so that his basement was not wet, yet the homeowner still wanted to stay within a budget that included the PowerBraces; Bobby talked to the homeowner and to the crew to work on installing a TripleSafe Sump Pump System to ensure that water would be pumped out of the basement regardless of the situation.

The homeowner was very thankful that he got a free estimate for waterproofing so that his wall problem ended up being solved. He was thankful as well that Bobby was able to include some solutions within budget of the his original problem as well. Check out the difference in this homeowners wall!

Sagging Porch Floor Lifted in Lenexa, KS

This homeowner was using his covered porch space as an exercise room, however he recently noticed that the floor was a bit unstable. He was concerned that he wouldn't be able to exercise in his room if he didn't try to it, so he decided to give us a call. 

We had System Design Specialist Daryn Britton look at the structure of the porch and determine what was causing the floor to feel unstable. Daryn found that the floor was unstable because there was not a strong enough support system underneath the porch. In order to fix this, Daryn suggested that the homeowner had SmartJacks and a new support beam installed. The homeowner liked this solution, so we had an installation team use these products to lift and stabilize the homeowner's porch. The homeowner was happy with the outcome, and he is excited to use the space without worry now. Check out the new support structure under the porch!