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Severe wall failure in Ravenna, NE

This wall was in dire condition, reaching the point of crumbling and collapsing onto the basement floor. Due to the severe condition, our only solution was our EverBrace Wall Restoration System.

The EverBrace system offers an innovative approach to tackle severe wall failure head-on. The system uses steel corrugated panels and steel I-beam that work together to stabilize existing foundation walls. We inject a specialized rigid foam behind these panels to fill every gap, and move the weight from the original walls to the new walls. 

The purpose behind this system is to redistribute the load from the compromised wall to the new support framework. It's the best alternative to full foundation replacement. Instead of removing the entire foundation, homeowners and business owners can opt to use the EverBrace system and get the same results as replacing the foundation. 

Foundation Repair in Claflin, KS

Homeowner Paul was remodeling his home to prepare it. He knew his son was going to move in or he was potentially going to sell. Either way, he wanted to make sure his foundation wall was fixed prior to the remodel. The problem Paul was facing was his wall against his crawlspace was failing. So he called up Thrasher. He knew Thrasher would complete the repair the right way and he would not have to worry about it after. We sent System Design Specialist Clint Gerber out to Paul's home to do an inspection and find the best solution. To resolve Paul's issue, we decided to use Everbrace, Powerbrace, and Geolock Anchors. The space within the basement area was very limited, so each product had to be strategically placed to allow Paul to continue using the basement as a basement. Paul was very happy with the outcome and glad he doesn't have to worry anymore about his foundation walls!

Foundation Repair in Franklin, NE

These homeowners inherited a 100 year old home from their neighbors. They now rent this home to their youngest boy, and started to see some bowing. They heard of Thrasher reputation and quality of work we have done with several other properties throughout the area, so they gave us a call. System Design Specialist, Joe Dearth, came out to meet with them. Joe did an inspection and noticed that washout from several years of rain, then the drought caused the soil to shrink. During the winter months the frost line would freeze and expand the soil into the home, adding a contributing factor to the bowing wall. There were too many utilities in the way to do PowerBraces, so Joe determined we use Wall Anchors. These are metal plates installed to the wall with a rod anchoring them 12 feet out into the existing yard. There is no doubt these homeowners are now feeling safe as ever in their home! Check out these before and after photos! 

Foundation Settlement and Waterproofing in Russell, KS

Steve is a homeowner in Russell, KS, who needed some basement waterproofing. He was tired of dealing with water coming into his basement and cleaning up after it would rain. System Design Specialist Justin Seiler also found saw some of the foundation walls were bowing recommended a solution for both problems. Crews started with installing WaterGuard and CleanSpace to prevent water from coming into the basement. We also stabilized the foundation walls with PowerBraces and GeoLock Wall Anchors to stabilize the walls. Steve was happy with how the whole project came together!  

Bowing Brick Walls in Axtell, NE

This customer and his wife have lived in their home for 30 years now. At some point, they hope to sell their home and move out of the state. They want to ensure that their basement wall does not cave in to ensure their property value. This clay brick home is over 100 years old and hydrostatic pressure over all of those years caused the wall to bow. We installed our EverBrace system to stabilize the wall and ensure that it won't cave in.