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Foundation and Concrete Repair in Wellington, KS

Dennis & Almetta I. have owned their home in Wellington, KS for a long time. Years back, they added an addition to the home and were now facing settlement issues. They decided to call Thrasher to learn about foundation repair options.

System Design Specialist Josh Brown went out to their home for an inspection. He was able to identify that soil was being washed away due to poor drainage. Also, the footings for the addition were very shallow and that was causing stabilization issues. The crew installed PushPiers to stabilize the wall and lift the settled areas, fixing any future problems. We also lifted the interior concrete of their master bedroom with PolyLevel, getting rid of the trip hazard. The downspouts were also buried to prevent water from collecting around the foundation.

Helical Piers for Home's 100th Birthday

This home is celebrating its 100-year anniversary later this month, and to honor that, the homeowner wanted to get some of her worries about the home checked out. She and her daughter had noticed some settlement issues and were concerned it was damaging the inside drywall. The brick home sits on a shallow footing and has settled over time due to the cycle of wet and dry seasons that expand and contract the soil. To make sure this home is standing for many years to come, we installed 12 helical piers on the front porch and side bump out. 

Back Door Won't Open, Turns Out It Was The Foundation

Young couple, Sophia and Ivan, noticed their back door wasn't opening. And since Sophia was having a fence installed to allow their kids to safely play outside, she decided to dig a little deeper and find out why her back door wasn't working. That's when she called Thrasher. Once we got on site and took a look around, we found that their home had settled into the soil along the back foundation wall. We also noticed some wall failure on that same wall, which explains why the back door wouldn't open. 

To fix the problem, we installed helical piers on the back foundation wall and lifted the foundation. We then installed GeoLock Anchors to support the wall from further wall failure. Reflecting back, Sophia and Ivan really appreciated how System Design Specialist Clint Gerber took the time to explain what was wrong and walk them through the process of how we were going to fix it. Now, they can spend their summers with their children, worry-free, knowing they can safely hang out in their backyard and easily use the backdoor again to come and go as they please.

Foundation Repair in Wichita, KS

Nick noticed a large crack above the door of his mother's house. He called Thrasher to maintain value and make sure his mom was safe in her home. Jon Graves went out to the home to find out what was happening. He found the garage had settled to the outside corner, causing a large crack above the door to open up. To fix this, we installed push piers. But then things got interesting.

When we did the lift, the result was excellent. The crack closed up, and everything looked good. However, the crew left, and when they came back the following day to finish up, they noticed a new crack behind the old crack had opened in a straight line down the mortar joint. This is something that can happen when lifting a home, especially brick. It doesn't happen often, but we always mention to the customer the possibility. Once we noticed the new crack, we instantly checked to ensure there was no settlement, and luckily, we found none. We then sealed the crack and blended the mortar to be less visible. Everything was good as new again!

Nick and his mom were excited that the crack had closed up. They were, at first, concerned about the new crack, but they felt more at ease that we immediately addressed it and fixed the issue. Their garage is stabilized and will not be moving anymore.


Sinking Porch in Wichita

This porch on a home in Wichita was sinking and leaning in the middle severely. We were able to fix it by installing a few piers. You can see the visible difference in the photos!