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Foundation Crack Repair in Davenport, IA.

Small crack in the foundation of a home is repaired with crack injection foam. 

Foundation Walls Stabilizing in Davenport, IA

Foundation walls stabilized with PowerBraces in Davenport, IA. 

Wall Anchors Help Home with Bowing Wall in Davenport, IA

Wall Anchor Stabilization in Davenport, IA 

Foundation Crack Repair in Eldridge, IL

Homeowner Mike recently contacted MidAmerica Basement Systems after he noticed a crack in his basement wall. He was worried that if he did not address the issue that the crack would get worse and could put his foundation at risk. He contacted MidAmerica Basement Systems to learn more about how this crack could be fixed. Service Technician Adao fixed the cracked wall with a crack injection foam. The foam is injected at a high pressure and fills the crack from the outside in. This will make sure that the crack is adjusted completely.

Crack Injection in DeWitt, IA

Homeowners Michael and Bobbi Jo have lived in their 1970’s home for the last 15 years. They recently had work done to their home to fix a bowing wall. MidAmerica Basement System thinks it is very important to have annual maintenance done on the system that we install to ensure their lifespan and quality. During one of their service calls Service Technician Adao noticed some cracking in the wall. To fix this problem Adao had filled the crack with an injection to make sure that it will not get any worse.